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A Nation of Celebration

A Nation of Celebration

Did you know it’s an actual Mitzvah in the Torah to share in the blessings and good fortune of others? Joy in Judaism is not something to be experienced alone but shared. The late Lord Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of the UK and philosopher once said, “Blessings are not measured by how much we own or earn or spend or possess but by how much we share. Simcha (joy) is the mark of a sacred society. It is a place of collective joy.” 

Judaism is full of opportunities to party and celebrate. Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, weddings, birthdays, babies and Brit Mila, Shabbat, holidays- even moving into a new home! Each event or milestone carries with it a unique spiritual power and potential that we can appreciate. Let’s explore some attributes of these joyous occasions that bring so much vitality and life to our heritage and traditions.

Check out some of our specialty products for the upcoming Shavuot holiday here! https://www.shalomhouse.com/products/shavuot/

Bar/Bat Mitzvahs

When a Jewish boy turns 13, he becomes obligated to the commandments of the Torah- such as putting on tefillin, praying in a group of 10 or more men, and being a role model in the community. Reaching the age of Bar Mitzvah changes his status from a boy to a man with new responsibilities. It is considered a special event in Judaism and typically includes a special reading from the Torah speeches, and of course- a large celebration with family and friends.

Bar-Mitzvah is the first time a boy will don tefillin, special leather boxes inscribed with the Shema prayer. (It is a mitzvah in the Torah for all adult men to don tefillin during morning prayers. Tefillin are bound with leather straps to the head and arm, which is close to the heart, to remind us that our intellect and emotions should be used for the purpose of Mitzvot and closeness with G-d. ) Tefillin are a pricey gift, but there are plenty of gift options that are sure to make the Bar-Mitzvah boy happy and proud.

Brighten up his door with our porcelain hockey Mezuzah https://www.shalomhouse.com/products/hockey-mezuzah-painted-porcelain.htm

Or hand-painted guitar mezuzah


Did you know A bar mitzvah boy can also make his own kiddush? Welcome the boy of the hour to the men’s club with this eye-catching blue kiddush cup and matching saucer. https://www.shalomhouse.com/products/kiddush-cup-with-saucer-blue-by-quest.htm

Bat Mitzvah-

Unlike boys, girls become ‘women of the Torah at the age of 12.

Girls accept responsibility for the Mitzvot and take their rightful places within the community. Women play an important role in carrying and passing down the spiritual traditions of Judaism to the next generation. Jewish girls approach their Bat-Mitzvah with pride and excitement, and while some opt for a low-key event, many will have a big party with speeches, dancing, and gifts.

There are many bat-mitzvah clubs and programs to learn about Judaism and the significance of the Mitzvot and prayer, (make her night with this sterling silver Shema necklace- https://www.shalomhouse.com/products/shema-necklace-sterling-silver.htm)

Some girls also begin to light Shabbat candles when they turn 12- get her started with these adorable blue candle holders https://www.shalomhouse.com/products/blue-anodized-aluminum-candle-holders.htm.

We love our number 18- 18 is the numerical value of ‘Chai’, life. Our 14kt yellow gold studs are a sparkly way to congratulate you!


Brit Mila-

Mazel Tov, It’s a boy!

The tiny bundle of joy with the cute button nose is not just adorable, but a new link in the chain of Jewish life. Abraham was the first person in history to perform the Mitzvah of Brit Mila, becoming the first ‘official jew’ at the age of 99! Abraham performed the difficult task to symbolize his special covenant with G-d, an unbreakable bond that was passed down to every Jew succeeding him. In return, G-d promised Abraham that his offspring would forever survive and flourish, no matter who attempts to annihilate us.

We circumcise boys on the 8th day to reinforce and add our new addition to this special covenant. The baby wears a special outfit (such as this soft cotton embroidered set https://www.shalomhouse.com/products/bris-set-with-blue-embroidery.htm) and is placed on a special brit pillow (https://www.shalomhouse.com/products/blue-bris-pillow-case.htm)

The bris procedure is performed by a certified Mohel and often followed by a festive meal. The Brit is also when the child receives his name, a representation of his unique soul, or essence. Welcome their new bundle of joy with a protective hamsa for the stroller https://www.shalomhouse.com/products/baby-blessing-hamsa-h-131e.htm.

Or, send this plush hanging aleph bet since he’ll be walking and talking in no time!


Baby Naming-

The survival of the jewish nation is entirely dependent on women!

From times of slavery in Egypt to the matriarchs and prophetesses, women are the true heroines of our history (and future!) We welcome the birth of a beautiful baby girl with a baby naming, or Simchat Bat. The father is called up to the Torah during the week or the first Shabbat after she is born. He says a special “Mi Sheberach’ prayer for the health of the mother and blesses his new daughter to grow into a wise woman of virtue and greatness.

A naming ceremony is often followed by a special kiddush with friends and family. Is there a new girl in the family or your social circle?

Adorn her room with a mezuza fit for a princess! https://www.shalomhouse.com/products/baby-mezuzah-copper.htm

Or, keep her warm with our soft, embroidered-with-a-blessing blanket https://www.shalomhouse.com/products/pink-baby-blanket-with-noahs-ark-cotton.htm

Thank heaven for little girls!

Housewarming Gifts:

The Jewish house party happened a long time ago!

The concept originated with the building of the Mishkan, or tabernacle, which accompanied the Jewish people throughout their time in the desert. The Mishkan was the ‘resting house of G-d’, and so is our home- since we fill out home with good deeds that bring upon it G-d’s light.

It is customary to affix Mezuzah’s to the door as soon as possible after moving into a new home. We usher in the new beginning with holiness, blessings, and sacred tradition. A housewarming party is the logical next step, but you may want to finish unpacking and setting up your dream home first.

A festive meal with family and friends is a perfect way to show your gratitude (and beautiful new home!)

There’s no better way to share excitement (and food) than with our brass, gold-plated napkin holder https://www.shalomhouse.com/products/pomegranate-vertical-napkin-holder.htm

Or decorative framed blessing for the home


Mad about Mezuzot? 

Wow your friends with this porcelain flowered stunner https://www.shalomhouse.com/products/flowers-mezuzah-painted-porcelain.htm. Check out our one-of-a-kind mezuzah selection, we have something unique for everyone (musicians, accountants, and even your nephew in hi-tech! https://www.shalomhouse.com/products/cello-violin-mezuzah-gold.htm

Gift them with something as unique as they are, after all- home is where the heart is!


Judaism does not take anniversaries lightly.

Passover commemorates our freedom from the shackles of Egypt. Shavuot celebrates our acquisition of the Torah on Mount Sinai. Yom Kippur symbolizes G-d’s forgiveness for the sin of the golden calf, and forgiveness of our wrongdoing every single year.

According to Judaism, anniversaries carry a special energy, the same power that existed on an original day can be accessed each year. A wedding anniversary is not just a reminder of the day you married, but a day to re-awaken the love, trust, and commitment you promised each other on your special day.

Looking for a thoughtful gift for newlyweds? Gift them one of our ‘Ahava’ sculptures to hold the chuppah shards. https://www.shalomhouse.com/products/large-ahava-shards-sculpture-gary-rosenthal.htm

Do your parents, grandparents, or kids have a big anniversary coming up? Celebrate years of love with a hand-blown glass kiddush cup, with the perfect inscription- “I am to my beloved, as my beloved is to me.” https://www.shalomhouse.com/products/ani-le-dodi-pink-etched-glass-kiddush-cup.htm

Other Celebrations

Gifts and Awards

Judaism strongly believes in living productive, mindful lives full of accomplishments. However, with achievement must come the recognition that others may be less fortunate, and we must use our special gifts to support them.

Greatness takes on many forms. Giving charity, studying Torah, volunteering, involvement in the community, and teaching or mentoring others are all ways to show leadership and make a positive difference in the world.

A family member or friend graduated from medical school? Celebrate the milestone with this colorful physician’s prayer


Friend opened a successful business or won a charitable award? Make them smile with our metal and fused glass tzedakah box



Know a special woman who does a lot of Chessed (kindness) or volunteers for the community? Wow her with this magnificent gold and Swarovski woman of valor presentation peace,


Judaism is filled with reasons to celebrate.

Every week, we celebrate Shabbat with a special day of rest, family, food, and spiritual connection. Holidays throughout every season, weddings, births, anniversaries, the dedication of of a new home or torah scroll. Our religious heritage is teeming with life,, light and joy, and even in dark or difficult moments- there is always an event to look forward to. There is no greater simcha then a simcha shared, and an individual simcha is never experienced in isolation. As Jews, we wholeheartedly share in each others special moments.

At Shalom Judaica, we’re proud to carry high end, exclusive items to show your friends and loved ones that they, and their special moments matter.

Here’s to the celebration nation!

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