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It’s a great Mitzvah to have a stylish home!

It’s a great Mitzvah to have a stylish home!

Why not enjoy life? Why not turn lemons into delicious lemon cake? We’re a happy people, we’re known for our good humor, so let’s prove to ourselves and to the world that our traditions and mitzvahs are a great piece of lemon cake to enjoy!

What are we going on about? About mezuzahs, of course!

You’re probably wondering what’s the connection between lemons and mezuzahs, so here it is: 

We were given this great Mitzvah, of posting Mezuzahs in our homes and offices.

We put Mezuzahs up in plain view, and our minds are constantly reminded of the ancient stories and traditions we are inherently a part of.

The Mezuzahs hold the Klaf, the scroll, which has important Pesukim inscribed within.

Some say these Pesukim serve to protect us from harm. We say, this Mitzvah is a cause for celebration! Have you seen how pretty these Mezuzahs have gotten over the years?

We have progressed a lot since those days where a Mezuzah was just a white plastic rectangle mounted on your door post. If we’re putting sacred scripture on our walls, let’s do it in style!

So many world renowned jewish artists are using their creative skills to turn Mezuzah into beautiful pieces of Judaica. Home decor is a form of worship when you just look for new spots to hammer in or glue these beautiful mezuzahs for all to see.

A stylish Mezuzah can really pull the room together. Use it as a decorative accessory, since we place it in every room anyway.

We have a huge selection of Mezuzahs available, in different styles and materials. From whimsical mezuzahs to contemporary ones, here are the exquisite pieces that made it into our shortlist:

Is your daughter a baseball fan? Does your family love going to the ballet? Are you batman? We just can’t get enough of these fun mezuzahs. The whimsical line, made from various materials, contains something for everyone. Accountants, motorcycle enthusiasts and football fans, let your mezuzah tell the world what you like!

Brighten up a child’s room with a cookie monster mezuzah, made of painted porcelain. This sweet and innocent piece of decorative judaica is sure to get an ‘awww’ from everyone who sees it. Be sure the set a plate of cookies next to it, to complete the set.

Lovers of puppies will appreciate this Dalmatian mezuzah. Made in Israel from painted porcelain, this lovely mezuzah is great for a vet’s office, for your child’s room, or for any space where dogs are happily patted in. This unique piece is signed by the artist so you can be sure it’s an authentic Mordechai Hazan piece.

Moving on to our contemporary line, we’d like to share a secret. The secret of the Encircling Worlds Saturn Mezuzah. This exquisite piece is truly unique. The rings of this mezuzah hold words from the Shema. The letters on the discs are hand sawn using a tiny jewellers saw. In order to read the sentence it is necessary to rotate the rings, thus encouraging us to perform the mitzvah of touching the mezuzah and reminding us of the blessings and commandments inscribed inside.

The entwined rings mezuzah is a great gift choice for the romantic couple. Place the shards of glass from your wedding inside the tube to commemorate your momentous event alongside the sacred Pesukim of the Klaf. The three entwining rings create the letter Shim for Shema around the mezuzah and also symbolize unity and love.

Last but not least is the beautiful metalace art mezuzah, with Ani LeDodi Vedodi Li inscribed, which makes a great gift for a housewarming party, an engagement party, or simply your very own birthday. Its clean lines create an elegant look which fits any space.


We encourage you to include a mezuzah in your home decor efforts, since they are a great addition to any room, and they help keep our minds on the important mitzvah.

The mezuzah tells the world that you’re a proud jew, it helps keep your family connected to the tradition and it is said that it protects us from harm.

Be an ambassador of the jewish people by placing a mezuzah in your home and reminding your loved ones of their origins.

Even if your home is fully decorated, and isn’t missing a single cushion, you would be surprised by how much finesse a stylized mezuzah can add to the room.

A childhood home is where many memories are created. Think back to your fondest memories, many of them were formed in early years and are remembered for many years to come.

The mind is a wonderful thing, making us carry a wide array of events, both meaningful and strangely insignificant. The event of setting a new mezuzah in the home can be a memorable event, to be remembered for a lifetime. Invite your family and friends, say the bracha before posting the new mezuzah, have a not so light meal and thank hashem for the together time you were able to create. Make the mezuzah a cause for celebration to create a positive vibe in your home around this tradition.


We hope we were able to share some of our love for beautiful pieces of Judaica in this post. It is a very wide and versatile universe, filled with brimming options to be added to your life.

Browse through this fun category to see many more lovely mezuzah options for you to love and take home! 

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