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Wall art for Soul Art

Wall art for Soul Art

Why do we decorate our homes? Why do we diligently go from store to store, wearing out our heels, in search of decorative items to place on our walls?

Many of us don’t even spend much time in our home, but still, we put much thought into what our private space will look like, because it changes the way we feel.

They way we feel when we’re at home, and the way we feel about our home are strongly affected by the experiences we have while there, at home. We all want to feel safe at our homes, so we have our locked doors and gates.

We want to feel cozy and comfortable in our space, so we change to our comfy clothes whenever we get home, and sit on our cozy sofas.

When you take a moment to think about your home, which sentiment is most dominant? Do you enjoy the atmosphere, the sounds and smells that come to mind?

To help us create our very own fortress of coziness, we decorate our home. We want our home to reflect who we are, our values and ideas. When our loved ones visit, we want them to feel comfortable while soaking in the essence of who we are.

Using our walls to express ourselves is an idea that’s found outside the home as well, and can be seen in colorful graffiti art and in our city’s architecture. Like those artists use the outside’s blanks to express themselves while filling a void, we do in our homes - we are the artists of our home, we fill the void, to make it express ourselves while looking beautiful.

There are many artistic ways of using your private space to express yourself. A common and very satisfying way of doing so is using wall art.

Carefully chosen pieces of wall art, can really tell the world who you are.

Art enthusiasts often opt for unique pieces, in various styles, which can tie their space together in style and elegance. Our artists combine beautiful and surprising elements into pieces which represent the Jewish lifestyle and tradition.

We really enjoy cherry picking these items for you, since some are simply a delight to look at, and others are outrageously humorous. We want them all :)

Go through the various handmade items in our Wall Art category, to find items we know you’ll like.

You’ll be surprised to see this fun category holds items for all ages, so you could basically be done with your gift shopping for the entire year. It holds wonderful gift ideas for kids, teens and our homes at any age.

The OY license plate is such a wonderful piece of wall art. It’s colorful and fun to look at; the use of license plates makes it a sustainable declaration of environmental care, and the word OY, doesn’t it just say it all? The essence of the jewish home, that warm feeling of speaking to a jewish mother who has that spectacular ability of OY’ing about everything, from food to family members. After getting this item, you’ll need to think hard about which room it’s going to be hung in, since it just works in so many spaces.

The God Bless You floating letters piece is probably what every nursery needs. We ask Hashem to protect our loved ones every day and at every age, but there’s something very protective about the way we want to encase our offspring. In addition to the daily measures we take to keep our young ones safe, we constantly ask the almighty to keep a close eye on them and keep them from harm. This colorful floating letters wall hanging displays excerpts from Birkat Kohanim, the priestly blessing, which is said in magnificent awe, while the entire synagogue closes their eyes and cover themselves in their Tallit. This momentous chant, meant to shade us with divine protection, is also said right after the Kiddush on Friday night, in a very special ritual. The parents place their hands on their child's head and say these words, to send them off to the new week with all the heavenly aid they can get.

The exclusive Papercut Home Blessing is a popular choice among those seeking to add style and elegance to their home while bringing in a sense of the jewish tradition. This piece, made by Danny Azulay, combines various elements of judaica and nature, to create a lovely feeling and inspire love and calm in any space.

The fun Wall Art category holds items to lighten up your home,in various forms. A fine example of an out of the frame piece, is the Vertical Copper Hamsa, which defies some laws of symmetry while redefining the laws of aesthetics. This beautiful piece is great for cases where you’re looking to break the box and lead the team in a new direction. It’s sensationally unique and full of life. The Hamsa is meaningful to us since it symbolizes protection and care. This wall art is a great combination between outstanding creativity and significance.

Last but not least, we’d like to call the the Silver Woman of Valor piece. This is a marvelous gift and can even be granted as an official award, with its medal looking features. Eshet Chail excerpts fill this beautiful artwork, adding meaning and significance. Giving this piece as a gift is a real statement of love and appreciation.

We hope you enjoyed this article about our human need for a cozy home which represents our internal space. Our exclusive items are made and chosen to make your home as brilliant and outstanding as you are. Wishing you many happy days in your well decorated home.

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