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Apple & Honey Sets by Michael Aram

Is there a stronger symbol for Rosh HaShanah than a honey dipped apple? This juicy combo, the product of a tree and the busiest animal in nature, expresses so much for us. Just seeing that honey container and apple shaped plate brings to mind life long memories of family around the holiday season.

We live in a time where beautiful art is created to serve almost every purpose in our lives, so why not make our Rosh HaShanah table full or pieces of art? This unique category is full of Apple and Honey sets for you to choose from. Decorate your holiday table with your favorite piece and don't forget to grab one for your hosts as well. From the bottom of our heart, we wish you and your loved ones Shanah Tovah! 

Why do we eat Apple dipped in honey?

The apple is a very symbolic fruit as it reminds us of Gan Eden, and of King Solomon's songs of love and beauty which often mention an orchard of apples. An apple is a sweet fruit and honey is even sweeter. These two together create a succulent combination made to symbolize the sweet year God will grant us. It's our way of wishing each other a Shana tova - a good sweet year!

When did this custom begin?

Eating apples dipped in honey is an old custom which our ancestors have been associating with Rosh HaShana and the very first weeks of the year for many years. It's a tradition that has been passed down the generations and centuries.

Does the Halacha tell us which apple and honey precisely we should eat?

Depending on your level of observance, you might want to check the kashrus of the honey. Here's a carefree honey option you can get right here in Shalom House; Pure Honey from wild flowers made in Israel. 

Does the Halacha tell us which plates and tools precisely we should use for this ritual?

While there isn't specific Halachic guidance on which plates or pitchers we should serve the apple and honey, the different sections of the jewish people hold various practices. Ask 5 people how they serve their apple and honey and you'll probably get 5 different answers, if not more. We recommend you go for the option that makes you happy - go for nice looking items you'll be proud to show off in the years to come. Make sure they're easy to clean and of high quality, so you'll know they'll last. Browse through the Apple & Honey Sets category for some great options.

What are other Rosh HaShanah foods?

In Rosh HaShana we try to eat interesting foods, since we want to have an interesting year to come. It is believed that Rosh HaShana is a sign for the entire year. So among those interesting foods laid out on the Rosh HaShana table, sitting right next to our apple honey sets, you'll often find a round Challah, pomegranate and pomegranate seeds, fish head, beats and many others according to the Eda. Each food carries a symbol and we greet ourselves and each other according to each symbol as we eat it. Looking for unique platters and trays to lay these versatile foods on? Browse through the Apple & Honey Sets category for some great options!