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Elijah Cups by Mordechai Hazan

Elijah's cup is such a wonderful tradition, adding another fine touch to the already magnificent Seder.

Wrapped in mystery and magic, we get to the part of the Haggadah where we pour wine into a fancy glass, made for none other than the Navi Eliyahu!

In what some say is an elaborate trick to get our kids to participate in the Seder, or at least stay awake, we ask them to open the door. The room grows quiet, we all look at the young ones as they walk towards the door in wonderment. They unlock it, and peak through the crack to see if there's anyone out the door. Will Elijah actually walk in, say Shalom - Happy Passover, and drink his wine, will the holy Elijah from all the stories they've heard finally come and give them a present for their Afikoman.

While we pray for Geula Shlema, we will continue to respect our important yet unseen guest, the prophet Elijah, with a beautifully decorated glass. Browse through the fine items in this category to add a piece of delicate beauty to your Seder table. With such an exquisite Elijah cup don't be surprised if he actually shows up :)