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From 5,000 Maccabean fighters defeating a Greco-Syrian army of 45,000 trained soldiers to a small oil lamp that somehow stayed alight for 8 days and nights, Hanukkah is all about miracles, then, and now. As we come together each night to light the candles of the Hanukkiah, say the blessings, enjoy the flavors and aromas of a potato latke or a “sufgania” (jelly donut), we commemorate the miracles of old and bask in the wonders of family and our Jewish faith.

At Shalom House you will find anything and everything you need to make your Hanukkah holiday as memorable as the miraculous lamp of the holy temple:
·   A magnificent and mountainous selection of Hanukkah Menorahs-Chanukiot, sporting themes that range from fun and playful to beautifully artistic.
·   Elaborate collectable dreidels, as well as “everyday” dreidels for the kids to play with.
·   Hand crafted beeswax candles from Safed.
·   A wide array of Hanukkah decorations, toys, games and gifts.