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Host Gifts

Setting up a Seder is a lot of work. It's true that we look forward to the holiday and we prepare for it with love, but still, Passover is a holiday that takes preparation and effort. It's important to show our appreciation to those who take part in making the holiday so perfect. We've created this Host Gifts category, to make it super easy for you to thank those who planned, shopped, carried, peeled and chopped, so that you and your loved ones could enjoy a memorable feast.

Whether you're a part of the work group, right there in the kitchen along with your partner in carbs, or you're invited to another home where your nails will be the only ones still intact, a Host Gift will be much appreciated. A whimsical trivet will get a warm laugh, and a frog salt shaker will make everyone jump.

This fun category has something for everyone. Happy Pessach!

Madein Israel
Ceramic Elijah Cup
Sku: prod:8741EC
Sku: prod-9125
Madein USA
Hamsa Blessing Mug
Sku: prod-2334
Madein USA
In This Jewish Home Mug
Sku: prod-2321
Madein USA
Oy Vey Mug, Shmutz Happens
Sku: prod-2085ov
Madein Israel
Pomegranate-Silver and Glass
Sku: prod-9685
Gefilte Fish Clock
Sku: prod-5738g
The product is currently sold out
Hand Towel-Netilat Yadaim-Blessings
Sku: prod-dtw25
The product is currently sold out
Matza Blanket
Sku: prod-MB2023
The product is currently sold out
Moses Finger Puppet
Sku: prod-9063
The product is currently sold out
Seder Plate Quilling Card
Sku: prod-8310
The product is currently sold out
Madein USA
We Got The Rabbi Plate
Sku: prod-2080mm
The product is currently sold out