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Sammy Spider's First Book of Prayers

SKU: prod-8404

A first Jewish prayer book introduces children to daily and Shabbat prayers, plus special prayers. Sammy Spider watches Josh Shapiro and his family as they recite standard prayers for a variety of occasions. Engaging, rhyming text explains when and why Josh prays. This giftable book includes the prayers: Modeh Ani, Prayer, Hamotzi, Birkat Hamazon, Sh’ma, Hashkiveinu, Shabbat Blessings, Ye’vare’checha, Havadalah, Shehechiyanu, Mi Sheberach, Tefilat Haderech, A Prayer for our Country, A Prayer for Jerusalem, Mourner’s Kaddish, and Oseh Shalom.

Price: $17.99
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