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Shavuot by Kar-Ben Publishing

What is it about Shavuot that makes it such a special holiday for us? Is it the fact that we count down to it all the way from Pesach, during Sfirat HaOmer? Is it because we are told the skies are open to our prayers that night? Is it because we spend the whole night studying the Torah, imagining our ancient people standing below Mount Sinai and hearing the mighty sounds? Is it the cheesecake?

Whichever reason you choose, it’s easy to notice that this fun holiday brings joy and excitement to the entire family. Some prepare for the holiday meal, finding the best recipes out there. Others search for the finest Torah classes happening that night. Children excitedly agree to nap, so they too could stay up late and read from the Torah. This fun category of Judaica items, hand picked especially for Shavuot will get you thrilled about the upcoming holiday. Get a unique Shavuot sculpture to bring the spirit of the holiday into your home. Work up the children’s excitement with a Torah plushy or a lovely book. Any of these exclusive items will make your next Shavuot a holiday to remember.